G-FRANCO Denim Disegno Awards Excellence Award in the Men's category! Five finalists, the most in the country!
Notice of school name change. Starting in April 2026, OSAKA INSTITUTE OF FASHION College will be reborn as Vautrail Fashion Academy!
We will be establishing a new 4-year Brand Producer Department! The current Brand Management will be upgraded from April 2026!
Our school won the grand prize at the Senken Shimbun Fashion School Awards! Selected as Japan's No. 1 fashion school!
At every briefing session of OIF, we explain about the AO entrance exams!
Refine your unique personality
Learning at the forefront through practice
Refining the "individuality" that competes in the world
Creating the "future" of fashion
Cultivate an international sensibility through learning based on global standards
Learn in a state-of-the-art environment and become a “ready-to-work force”
Extensive employment support and incubation
student work
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